Hymn for the Dead

by Anti-Flag

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 5:12 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


For Blood and Empire

Song Author


Tabbed by

Derick Huth


1st → Vocal
2nd → Guitar 2
3rd → Guitar 1
4th → Guitar 4
5th → Guitar 3
6th → Bass
7th → Trumpet
8th → Percussion

File Size

81 KB




Sing a hymn for the dead 'Caus in life as in death we are one in the same Sing a hymn for the dead to av-ert eug-en-ic err-ors The sun sets, the light fades, the blood red, on an emp-ty street It's not night, It's not day It's no more for an un-fort-un-ate soul who wit-nessed his life vio-lent-ly e-raesed From the horr-or of the hu-man race. Bright fut-ures ex-changed for prof-it, The ly-ing: half a-live Sing a hymn for the dead 'Caus in life as in death we are one in the same Sing a hymn for the dead to av-ert eug-en-ic err-ors In life now pay re-spects to your blood. Those in the vast of great un-known, u-nite there. Your haerts one in mom-ent you'll nev-er for-get yeah. Hist-orry less-ons di-rect from the grave The lost souls of the lost div-ide Lib-er-ate your gen-e-ra-tion: The liv-ing: rott-ing flesh. Sing a hymn for the dead 'Caus in life as in death we are one in the same Sing a hymn for the dead to av-ert eug-en-ic err-ors Call out ty-ran-ny A spark of des-cent can light a fur-y of flame Call out to be free Sound off Be the voice of a gen-e-ra-tion Diss-ent You've got a choice to make Sound off Be the voice of a gen-e-ra-tion Diss-ent You've got a choice to make Strip a-way Be the voice of a gen-e-ra-tion Strip a-way You've got a choice to make Cut a-way Cut a-way Strip a-way Strip a-way Cut a-way Strip a-way your chains Sing a hymn for the dead 'Caus in life as in death we are one in the same Sing a hymn for the dead to av-ert eug-en-ic err-ors Sing a hymn for the dead 'Caus in life as in death we are one in the same Sing a hymn for the dead to av-ert eug-en-ic err-ors